Monday, 25 February 2008

01.03.2008 Thinking continues

Continues from 03   07.02.2008 4 o clock tea opening

Saturday 01 March 2008 - Nihat Sandikcioglu visited Gallery Art & Life. Nihat has left Tepe Nautilus to embark upon a new venture later this month. Good luck Nihat and thanks for all support of NPP over recent years.

Monday 03 March 2008 - Arts reporter Rumeysa Ozel from Zaman newspaper and her photographer Orhan (or was it Onur? Let me know!) visited the gallery this morning.
I visited Daghan at Erez Foto Studio in preparation for an up-coming Fenerbahce painting. I am a one team man - Arsenal - and this is just a bit of fun, though no doubt Galatasaray and Besiktas fans plus others will take it all too seriously. Think what ever you wish. Here's an out-take shot...
Ugur visited with his friend Tuba. Ugur has set up a Ned Pamphilon Facebook group. He showed me today and it has 223 members. I do not belong to Facebook, but if you do, you can access here...
This link was sent through to NPP...
Also, this was sent to me by different contacts, a blind Turkish artist...

Wednesday 05 March 2008 - Musicians Ugur and Mehmet popped into the gallery. I found them last week practising in Cihangir Park. Another link to another website referencing the current exhibition...
Last year my friend 'Buddha' O'Connor showed me a photo of Einstein which appears to be Marilyn in an edition of the New Scientist 31 March 2007. I am producing an experimental painting to see if I can replicate the effect and this is the latest stage.
The effect is referenced here...

Friday 07 March 2008 - My Fenerbahce painting. No doubt I'll get comments for and against. For me it is merely an exercise of creation as an Arsenal fan....Fena Degil? Fener Yeah!
Idil Gur and Zeynep Naz visited the gallery and added to paint the communal canvas. They were members of Ugur's Ned Pamphilon Facebook group...

We took the Maryilynstein-Albert Munroe painting into the street to see if indeed Albert becomes Marilyn at distance. This is Ugur below holding the painting in Gunesli Sokak...
And next below I have cropped the shot and you may be able to just make out what looks like Marilyn. It is more apparent in real life time...
And this is the painting. Walk away from it or squint your eyes and you should should Marilyn Munroe...Today we had a TV shoot in Cihangir Park. They ran a line into the gallery for an electric power supply. Cheeky! A young man on a scooter delivered water to the building and stuck his thumb up at me because he obviously liked the Fenerbahce painting displayed in the window.

Another chap had come into the gallery to shake my hand regarding the Fener painting. "Arsenal Fenerbahce Euro Champion final!" he predicted. I wondered if he knew I was an Arsenal fan. This link was sent to me...

Saturday 08 March 2008 - met Yuksel Oktay. He introduced me BÜTÜN DÜNYA Magazine and websites and
Here's Yuksel in the NPP studio...
Go to 05   21.03.2008 Fazil Say visits Think!